Monday, March 4, 2013

Oh baby Jimmy...

Dear Jimmy,

You are so hard. You cry pretty much anytime you are not sleeping. You have lots of pains in the digestion process. I feel so bad, bc you are a strong eater, but nothing seems to make your belly NOT hurt. Sometimes, right after fighting& screaming yourself to sleep, you wake up ten minutes later crying & writhing in pain. It makes Mommy & Daddy very sad. It's hard to know what to do.
We decided to give you ultra sensitive formula& you seem to do much better. I think we all feel a lot less frustration when you are feeling happy.

You are sure a smiley talkative baby, tho, when we have a good minute! You are easy to love & talk & coo at anyone who looks at you. Big smiles. Although big sister smiled a lot less at 6 weeks, you look so much like her when you smile!
I hope in the next weeks we can figure out how to help you feel better& sleep better. I think the bottles& formula are going to help your little system work a bit better.
Since we didn't sleep last night, let's take a good nap today so I can sleep, maybe?
Love you very much, my tiny man,

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