Thursday, September 13, 2012


it's like our office has been hit by a snowstorm of tragedies recently and it is starting to wear on me. there are only 5 people in the office. and in LESS than one calendar year (11 months) the following have taken place:

- my husband lost his job & was unemployed for months
- my sister in law was diagnosed with breast cancer
- my 4 year old niece was diagnosed with leukemia
- my grandfather was diagnosed with colon cancer
- b was in a serious car accident
- b's son was killed in another car accident
- b's daughter was diagnosed with cervical cancer
- k's husband has a heart attack
- k's husband lost his job & was unemployed for months
- j's wife had a super scary parasite that made her lose 40 pounds and be on the verge of death
- a's father was diagnosed with liver cancer

i mean, REALLY??? COME ONE, KARMA. leave us alone, PLEASE. we are NICE PEOPLE, alright????

it's all starting to wear on me mentally, it's definitely caused problems & stress in the office & it's been awful. every part of it, start to finish. it's tiring. life is full of terrible things and hard issues and physical challenges.

i feel like i got off easy. and i'm grateful.

but seriously, if something else happens we might all fall apart. just to put it out there. the end.