i'm going to say this, but before you judge, read it through!
it's not that different being married.
wait wait! don't go. here's my logic:
women are emotionally based. i've been emotionally married/committed to brad for a long long time. that's why it doesn't feel very different.
bc emotionally i've been watching movies, taking out trash, going on walks, driving in cars, making dinner, talking, laughing, spending time, planning, budgeting with brad, and only brad, for what seems like forever. so its only natural we continue doing so and just share the bed, couch, apt and cars & last name officially now!
which to some might seem like a let down to some bc marriage should be this GREAT! AWESOME! EXTREME! change, but for me it is another peaceful, very undramatic, quiet and calm reminder that this is just how it's supposed to be. :)