Tuesday, August 25, 2009

lindsey learns to cook

or not cook. however you think of it.
i knew you could cook scrambled eggs in the microwave, but since i just got a microwave for the first time in a year, i kinda forget to even use it.
so i scramble the eggs in a bowl. and think to myself, "i swear you put milk in it."
so i pulled my milk from the fridge, put in a little, stirred it up, nuked it and then tried to eat.
lesson learned: DO NOT MICROWAVE SOY MILK. ick ick ick.


Leon said...


The Fife's said...

I never knew you could microwave eggs, doesn't sound very good and mental note to myself to never use soy.

melissa said...

oh yes, we microwave eggs regularly around here. but, i still don't think they are as good as the old pan fried eggs with buttah. and as for the soy milk. (shakes head) seriously? what were you thinking? no no no.

Lauren and Nate said...

I personally love microwave eggs, and my kids call them "fluffy eggs". But now I know to never use soy milk. Gross.