Thursday, January 28, 2010

i'd like to take a moment to shout it out:

this is late. and i have a lot more people to add to this list. forgive me if you aren't on here. better late than never to say "thanks & i love you!"

best friend extraordinaire. teller of hilarious stories. looker for lindsey's passport at 2 AM. shower door breaker. buyer of razors. taker of pictures. errand list checker. entertainer, calmer, laugher and irreplaceable bride helper. i'm glad she was with me in my apt the nights before i got married. i couldn't imagine a better time.
tyler vermillion rules.
came from ut. one of few high school best friends who made the trek to CA. one of oldest friends there. i didn't realize how important it was that he was there until he was the ONLY person who made the bride cry. (i cried only once that lovely perfect day- in the sealing room being hugged by this most beloved friend. not kidding.) he is the most elegible 24 year old bachelor i know what the best heart and worst taste in movies- any takers?? he's willing to go on blind dates.
julie aka "huli."
roommate extraordinaire. reception decorator. last minute picker-upper. bride therapist. shoulder to cry on. happiness bringer. wedding planner. wedding dress opinion giver. after brad & i's first dance- he grabbed julie for a swing around the floor. he told her something like "she might not think it's a huge deal but we'll never forget what you've done for us." and it's true.
amy clark clark.
gchat venting listener extraordinaire. bridal shower fantastic cookie maker & planner. reception setter-upper. voice of reason. validater. probably listened to more venting when i was engaged than anyone else- sometimes you just need to SAY it to feel better. thanks!
kelli lyman.
best friend. only person who knows EVERYTHING. doesn't get offended by slips of off-color language. brought cutest child to our reception. las vegas bridal shower thrower expert! her and her mom gave me an amazing shower with TONS of good food. she was the person i was most excited to see outside the temple.:)
wendy bird.
my motha'. what i will look like in 31 years. end of story.

1 comment:

brightonislove said...

those pics of you and your mom are fun :)