Monday, November 30, 2009

adventure #1

the barttels now own a couch, so we have some furniture.
said couch is the subject of much hilarity & definitely a memory of being newly married...



brad: (looking on craigslist) hey what do you think of this couch!?
mrs. barttels: awesome. call em. buy it.
brad: (puts cash money for couch in a ripped open envelope labled "couch $" and puts on kitchen counter.)
mrs barttels: (does not see where he put envelope. assumes he has money.)


couch guy: i will be there in 30 minutes

brad: awesome! where's the envelope with the couch money?
mrs barttels: what envelope?
brad: what do you mean? the one on the kitchen counter.
mrs barttels: i see no envelope on the kitchen counter.
brad: i labeled it and put it right here on the counter.
mrs barttels: uh oh. (she's been throwing away all trash for 2 days....)
brad: we mustve thrown it away.

team barttels begins searching through the house like crazy- that envelope had a lot of cash in it. it's not in the apartment. the apartment is NOT that big.

brad & mrs barttels walk confidently to the dumpster and without hesitation start rummaging like rats. (keep in mind this is the day AFTER thanksgiving) mrs barttels climbs on side of dumpster wall. watches as ants crawl over toe of her shoe. brad picks up dripping bag of turkey guts and leftovers and removes from dumpster. repeats action multiple times. (cue awkward neighbors walking out to stare) mrs. barttels lifts, separates, jiggles, pulls and tries to get down to the trash that got taken out BEFORE Thursday.

couch guy: (pulls up in truck.)
brad: dude, we think we threw your money away.
couch guy: no, really??
both awkwardly laugh.
couch man stands there while we continue to search.

mrs. barttels: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH BRAD!!!! i found our bag of trash!!!! (begins to laugh hysterically in horrified relief) but, uhhhhh, the bag was open. half of it fell down into the dumpster.
brad: (smiles in glee! reaches arm completely down into dumpster) I FOUND IT!!!!! (pulls hand out with envelope in hand!!!!! arm has unidentified slime on one side.

couch man: seriously man??
brad: yeah dude. here's your money.
both awkwardly laugh. mrs barttels is in fits thinking about the horribly hysterical events that just occurred.

end scene.

yes, its still funny.


Julie said...

Haha...I'm so happy that you found the money! That's going to be one of those stories you'll laugh about all your life.

Julie said...

Haha...I'm so happy that you found the money! That's going to be one of those stories you'll laugh about all your life.

brightonislove said...

hahahahaha i love it. thats so funny! i love those kinds of moments

Danielle said...

awesome!! So funny. I love that you guys laughed about it and didn't just get all stressed and mad. Bodes well for the future.

ashley said...

thats freaking funny. go mr and mrs barttels.

The Fife's said...

This better be a great couch or a whole lot of money!!!