Thursday, November 5, 2009


reason #9: this may work.

if you have lived in a cave, or never met brad, you are the few who don't know he LOVES the oakland a's.

he loves baseball + i like baseball = good.

story: once i really felt like i wanted to do something for brad. just to show i loved him & make him happy & thought & thought (the man wants very little & asks for even less so i wanted to think of something besides making pizza- which is always a winner, btw)

so i bought an oakland a's hat.
i met him for lunch at roscoe's and when i sat down at the table, hat upon head, he looked at me like he NEVER HAD before. he was SOOOO happy! and just was so surprised!!
all i could think was "geez this man is easy to please."

1 comment:

The Fife's said...

Are we counting down? I wish I was coming and wish you the best of luck!!