Monday, February 13, 2012


I know, I know, I am waaay behind in my cult-followings, but we just started watching episodes of Firefly tonight on Netflix.
The jury is still out, but I have a feeling since Joss Whedon is involved and also Alec Baldwin (who I love from Chuck-that cult-following i'm in on, don't worry. tho i am still unsure about the ending. amnesia.. really??) anyway, firefly: it's going to grow on me. The pilot was a bit iffy at first, but I was invested by the end. Here's to one season to getting all attached and then being super mad at Sci-Fi for canceling like everyone else!
p.s. i stand corrected- it was Fox! I'd be mad at Fox, but since they host SYTYCD they are in our good graces forever. :)

1 comment:

Kirk Klippel said...

Your going to LOVE IT! I wish I could unsee the whole Season just so I could enjoy the short lived Series. It was the best thing on TV for a few Short Months.

It was actually cancelled by Fox in 2002.

Tell Bradley that Kirk and Shauna say HI! and that we <3 him!