Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A friend in faith

So I had a long, tearful heart-to-heart with my dear friend and ex co-worker Bridget today. I sought her advice. She gave freely with love and a little admonishment. We do not share the same religion, but we share the same love of our Saviour, Jesus Christ and faith in Him. I love this woman. She has been dealt one hard hand after another, especially with the deaths of her two children this past year. She is amazing, faithful, strong and humble. I am ceaselessly amazed and grateful for her friendship and advice.
Today I shed a few tears (I shed very few a year, as you know) and was bouyed up by her advice and encouragement. And humbled by her frank reprimands of my lack of faith.
We need each other in this big wide world. Feeling grateful and humbled by her example. How lucky am I to have such a person in my life!??

Monday, January 20, 2014

I love Doctor Bart Barrett

And this is why:
He is our family GP. He's seen my babies the day they were born, he sees me and my husband for anything and everything, and most importantly, he is a human being.

This last year has been rough. Seriously rough. I think I've seen Dr. Barrett more than my own mother this year. Two babies worth of visits, check-ups and colds. Two miscarriages worth of phone calls & tests. (Did I mention I had ANOTHER miscarriage a couple weeks ago? Fun.)

Anyway, so here is why I love him:
Today Faye had a weird rash on her arm, so I just brought her in to look at it & make sure it wasn't something super weird, or ya know, contagious. We were scheduled with the P.A., Brandy, so I gave Faye the heads-up that we wouldn't see Dr. Barrett (she loves him, so I didn't want her upset.) We were in the area between 2 exam rooms getting her weighed & measured when he came out of one of the rooms! My back was to him, but he instantly said, "HEY YOU!!" I turned around and said, "Hey."

He walked right over to me with arms outstretched and said, "How are you?" sincerely and gently, and then gave me a huge, real, tight-squeezing hug.

That is how every visit to the doctor should be. And that is why I love him.

If you live in HB or anywhere surrounding, you need him as your GP.