Thursday, November 18, 2010

just so you are all aware

the sale of GM today was 9 BILLION dollars less than the bailout they received.

that means the federal government, and ME AND YOU, the taxpayers, just LOST 9 BILLION dollars.

hey- next time a crappy car company makes bad financial decisions and makes cars no one wants to buy, let's not bail them out, k? if they were some regular business, joe's coffee shop, and joe made crappy coffee and gave himself bonuses even when there's no customers, no one would bail HIM out.

and no comments about how it was necessary, please. i listen to this financial stuff ALL DAY LONG.

congrats. your bailout didn't work. i dare you to TRY to find that on the news somewhere. i GUARANTEE its not on nbc.

1 comment:

Anne W said...

interesting article from The Economist