due to a diaper purchase mishap, i discovered this afternoon we had over 100
size 1 diapers and exactly ONE
size newborn in our house.
now, miss poopy pants really has a great GI tract. its like clockwork. it functions MORE than adequately. this means this one solitary diaper will not last till daddy comes home to go to the store. i could use a size 1, but then i risk more disaster.
this means one thing: baby's first outing to target.
a momentous occasion. i wish i had had the presence of mind to take a picture, bc she will surely become addicted like her mother, and her first trip should have been documented. so sad. oh well, too bad.
i had to wake her up from a nap, change diaper (we now have zero diapers of correct size in the house), put on clothes, put her in car seat, get myself dressed and out the door. we managed to get there, get into the store, purchase what we needed (ON SALE to boot!), find out the "$5" giftcard i found in my wallet really had 20 DOLLARS on it (sweet!) and get home without any drama.
in fact, she didn't even cry. she just slept. like an angel. :) hooray for our first trip out of the house! a success!